19 سبتمبر 2024
Colombia-Massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Bogota, Colombia1 سنة منذ
Colombia-Massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Bogota, Colombia
In the city of Medellín it is perceived as a the magnitude 6.6 earthquake that had its epicenter on the border coast between Panama and Panama. and Colombia.1 سنة منذ
In the city of Medellín it is perceived as a the magnitude 6.6 earthquake that had its epicenter on the border coast between Panama and Panama. and Colombia.
Earthquake    This was perceived in Cali the sismo of magnitude 6.6 that had its epicenter on the coast between  Panama and  Colombia.1 سنة منذ
Earthquake This was perceived in Cali the sismo of magnitude 6.6 that had its epicenter on the coast between Panama and Colombia.
Colombian President @petrogustavo invited by @POTUS to @WhiteHouse Thursday
1 سنة منذ
Alias Sussy, the powerful Chinese captured in Bogotá has a record for human trafficking and has lived in the country for 36 years
According to the Colombian Geological Service, the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.9 Epicenter: Santander. At the moment, no material damage or human losses have been reported.
In several residential complexes in Bucaramanga and in Barrancabermeja neighborhoods, citizens chose to evacuate their homes after the 5.9 tremor that occurred in Santander this Friday1 سنة منذ
In several residential complexes in Bucaramanga and in Barrancabermeja neighborhoods, citizens chose to evacuate their homes after the 5.9 tremor that occurred in Santander this Friday
At 4:18 am this Friday, the alarms began to sound in Bogotá, after the 5.9 earthquake that had its epicenter in Santander. At the @BOG_ELDORADO airport there were also moments of panic1 سنة منذ
At 4:18 am this Friday, the alarms began to sound in Bogotá, after the 5.9 earthquake that had its epicenter in Santander. At the @BOG_ELDORADO airport there were also moments of panic
1 سنة منذ
.@SpaceX: Starlink ahora está disponible en todo Colombia
1 سنة منذ
Colombia President Petro says "fascism has decided to stage a coup" in brazil, calls for an OAS meeting - Twitter
A man and a minor seriously injured after they shot several times at the vehicle in which they were traveling along Avenida Boyacá with 116, in a south-north direction, in Bogotá1 سنة منذ
A man and a minor seriously injured after they shot several times at the vehicle in which they were traveling along Avenida Boyacá with 116, in a south-north direction, in Bogotá
Ministry of Defense: Alias 'Chinga' or 'La Z', one of the most wanted in Valle del Cauca and a member of the criminal group 'Los Flacos' was captured in the last few hours. 'Chinga' imposed homicide as a means to maintain control over the territory FuerzaParaLaPaz @PoliciaColombia1 سنة منذ
Ministry of Defense: Alias 'Chinga' or 'La Z', one of the most wanted in Valle del Cauca and a member of the criminal group 'Los Flacos' was captured in the last few hours. 'Chinga' imposed homicide as a means to maintain control over the territory FuerzaParaLaPaz @PoliciaColombia
1 سنة منذ
طوارئ في منجم في لا أوفيتا ، بوياكا: هناك اثنان قتلى من عمال المناجم
On Tuesday, the Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia signed a declaration on bilateral cooperation in border security and the fight against drug trafficking, among others.
President @NicolasMaduro receives @petrogustavo at the Presidential Palace in Caracas for the first bilateral meeting since the reestablishment of political and diplomatic relations between Venezuela and Colombia
1 سنة منذ
A 3.8-magnitude earthquake struck off the Southern California coast on Thursday morning
Colombia will resume peace talks with the ELN next month with Venezuela, Cuba and Norway acting as guarantor states1 سنة منذ
Colombia will resume peace talks with the ELN next month with Venezuela, Cuba and Norway acting as guarantor states
Colombia confirms that ten armed groups have ordered a unilateral ceasefire1 سنة منذ
Colombia confirms that ten armed groups have ordered a unilateral ceasefire
1 سنة منذ
Bogotá: After three days of searching, firefighters from Cundinamarca found this body. So far they rule out the possibility of finding a second body
أ.ف.ب: فنزويلا وكولومبيا تعيدان العلاقات الدبلوماسية بعد انقطاع دام 3 سنوات
2 سنة منذ
Shooting in Suba, Bogotá, between criminals who stole a motorcycle and policemen: a thief died
"Iván Mordisco" and nine other criminals were killed in a bombing in San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá
2 سنة منذ
"There is information that Iván Márquez was looking to leave Venezuela at any cost", affirmed the Minister of Defense of Colombia about the leader of the dissident cells of the FARC who died on Venezuelan soil.
2 سنة منذ
President Duque: "We have a relationship of Siamese brothers with Venezuela. We have already welcomed almost two million migrants in our territory, but clearly Maduro is a criminal against humanity"
"Maduro cannot enter Colombia, into the possession of Gustavo Petro, while I am the president": Iván Duque.
2 سنة منذ
At least 49 inmates killed and dozens injured during attempted prison escape in southwest Colombia – official
2 سنة منذ
Iván Duque: "You can win with 50%, but you cannot govern with 50% against"
At least 4 dead, dozens wounded after stadium collapse in Espinal, Colombia - Local media2 سنة منذ
At least 4 dead, dozens wounded after stadium collapse in Espinal, Colombia - Local media
2 سنة منذ
Former guerrilla Gustavo Petro wins Colombian election to become first leftist president
Iván Duque before the plenary of the Summit of the Americas: We cannot remain silent in the face of the dictatorships of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua2 سنة منذ
Iván Duque before the plenary of the Summit of the Americas: "We cannot remain silent in the face of the dictatorships of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua"